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Title: Applying Computer Algebra Systems in Approximating the Trigonometric Functions
Authors: Lê, Phương Quân
Thai, Anh Nhan
Keywords: Approximation
Approximate value
Taylor polynomial
Pointwise approximate polynomial
Piecewise approximate polynomial
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Mathematical and Computational Applications;23 .- p. 1-19
Abstract: We propose numerical algorithms which can be integrated with modern computer algebra systems in a way that is easily implemented to approximate the sine and cosine functions with an arbitrary accuracy. Our approach is based on Taylor's expansion about a point having a form of kp, k ϵ Z and p = π/2, being chosen such that it is closest to the argument. A full error analysis, which takes advantage of current computer algebra systems in approximating π with a very high accuracy, of our proposed methods is provided. A numerical integration application is performed to demonstrate the use of algorithms. Numerical and graphical results are implemented by MAPLE.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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