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Title: Numerical simulation of aerodynamic performance of an axial turbine
Authors: Le, Xuan Truong
Keywords: Axial turbine
Mixing plane
Frozen Rotor,
Total pressure ratio
Adiabatic efficiency
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;Số 05 .- Tr.160-165
Abstract: This paper presents the numerical analysis for the aerodynamic performance of an axial turbine named “LISA ”, tested at the Laboratory for Energy Conversion (LEC), institute of the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, using three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) with k-co SST model.
ISSN: 0866-7056
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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