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Title: From catch-up to convergence? Re-casting the trajectory of capitalism in South Korea
Authors: Lee, Keun
Shin, Ho-Chul
Lee, Jongho
Keywords: South Korea
Variety of capitalism
National innovation systems
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Korean Studies;Vol.44 .- P.54-79
Abstract: This paper raises a fundamental question with regard to the trajectory of capitalism in Korea, whether Korea is still "fast-following” developed countries and on-track to converge with their economic systems, or continues to forge a unique development path different from that of the mature capitalist economies. In an explorative effort to answer this question, this paper compares the key outcome variables of the Korean economy with those of other economies by taking the variety of capitalism (VoC) perspective.
ISSN: 0145-840X150
Appears in Collections:Korean studies

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