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Title: Optimality conditions for approximate pareto solutions of a nonsmooth vector optimization problem with an infinite number of constraints
Authors: Ta, Quang Son
Nguyen, Van Tuyen
Wen, Ching-Feng
Keywords: Approximate pareto solutions
Optimality conditions
Clarke subdifferential
Semi-infinite vector optimization
Infinite vector optimization
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Acta mathematica Vietnamica journal;Vol.45, No.02 .- P.435-448
Abstract: In this paper, we present some new necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in terms of Clarke subdifferentials for approximate Pareto solutions of a nonsmooth vector optimization problem which has an infinite number of constraints. As a consequence, we obtain optimality conditions for the particular cases of cone-constrained convex vector optimization problems and semidefinite vector optimization problems. Examples are given to illustrate the obtained results.
ISSN: 0251-4184
Appears in Collections:Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 

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