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dc.contributor.advisorNguyễn, Thị Phương Hồng-
dc.contributor.authorHuỳnh, Thị Tuyết Mai-
dc.description.abstract"Charlotte Brontë created numerous influential and valuable works that have resonated with readers over time. Among them, she achieved great success in creating a portrayal of women in the 19th century Victorian Britain era through her renowned work, Jane Eyre. The purpose of this study, with a qualitative and descriptive research design, is to analyze the behaviors of Jane Eyre against social norms in the Victorian era through the application of Reader-Response Criticism. From this study, readers could have a more thorough perspective on the character, an insight into the Victorian era, and the influence of social norms on women at that time. This research has two objectives: the first is to find out Jane Eyre’s behaviors toward social norms in the Victorian era when it comes to her perspectives on education, love and marriage, and independence; the second is to analyze her perspectives regarding social norms in her era. This study finds that Jane Eyre emphasizes the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge, as she believes it is a way to better herself, enhance her character, and attain a certain level of freedom. Regarding love and marriage, she holds a strong belief in the necessity and significance of finding true love, emotional and personality compatibility, and a lawful and equal marriage. Moreover, Jane Eyre views independence as a core value and strives to be self-reliant, both financially and emotionally, as she continuously trusts in herself, relies on her own abilities, and seeks to earn income through her work. Based on this study, it can be concluded that Jane Eyre has distinct perspectives and behaviors that differ from those in the same time and are not aligned with social norms. In other words, she does not confine herself to conforming to social norms and possesses her personal identity, while still maintaining a growth mindset and being a useful member of society."vi_VN
dc.subjectNgôn ngữ Anhvi_VN
dc.title"Factors Affecting the Decision to Use AI Tools to Improve Writing Skills: Non-English Major Students' Perspectives"vi_VN
Appears in Collections:Khoa Ngoại ngữ

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