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dc.contributor.authorTran, Thanh Tung-
dc.contributor.authorNgo, Quang Trung-
dc.description.abstractThe Northern Coastal Region holds tremendous potential for marine economic development. Effectively harnessing and utilizing ocean resources requires skilled marine human resources. However, the overall quality of the workforce is low and cannot meet the requirements, which is one of the bottlenecks hindering marine economic development. This article focuses on analyzing and evaluating the status of human resource development for the marine economy in the Northern Coastal Region. Therefore, it proposes some recommendations to enhance the quality of the workforce to better serve the development of the marine economy in this area.vi_VN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Theoretical education;Vol.373 .- P.60-66-
dc.subjectNorthern Coastal Regionvi_VN
dc.subjectMarine economyvi_VN
dc.subjectHuman resource developmentvi_VN
dc.titleHuman resource development for marine economy in the Northern Coastal Region of Vietnam at presentvi_VN
Appears in Collections:Giáo dục Lý luận

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