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Title: Compressive and electrical resistivity properties of UHPC containing different steel fibers = Đặc trưng nén và điện trở suất của bê tông cường độ siêu cao sử dụng các loại sợi thép khác nhau
Authors: Le, Huy Viet
Do, Anh Duc
Nguyen, Van Manh
Nguyen, Thac Khanh
Nguyen, Duy Liem
Keywords: Electrical resistivity
Self sensing
Steel fiber
Structural health mornitoring
Ultra high performance concrete
Issue Date: 2023
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Xây dựng;Số 666 .- Tr.110-114
Abstract: This study is focused on investigating the self-sensing characteristices of smart UHPCs through evaluating the mechanical and electrical properties of ultra-high-performance concretes (UHPCs) containing different steel fiber types as functional fillers under compression. UHPCs containing 2 vol% stainless smooth fibers (6 mm in length and 0.2 mm in diameter, FL6) or 2 vol% brass coated smooth fibers (13 mm in length and 0.2 mm in diameter. FL13) ar 2 vol% hybrid of FLG and FL13 were prepared and evaluated. The test results indicated that The UHPC containing FL13 produced the highest compressive strength and the lowest electrical resistivity. The flowability and the volume weight of UHPCs were little influenced by fiber types. The UHPC with hybrid of FLG and FL13 produced the highest fractional change in electrical resistivity (FCR) under compression. Besides, the correlation between FCR and compressive stress of UHPCs was obtained.
ISSN: 2734-9888
Appears in Collections:Xây dựng

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