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dc.contributor.advisorHo, Hong Lien-
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Thi My Duyen-
dc.description106 trvi_VN
dc.description.abstractAssess the effectiveness of individual customer credit activities and the quality indicators of credit at the Vietnam Public Joint Stock Commercial Bank − Tay Do Branch − Ly Tu Trong Office, in order to identify the strengths and limitations existing in individual customer credit activities. Based on the research results, the study proposes solutions to improve credit quality of individual customers at Vietnam Public Joint Stock Commercial Bank − Tay Do Branch − Ly Tu Trong Office, in accordance with the current situation and conditions in the new context.vi_VN
dc.publisherTrường Đại học Cần Thơvi_VN
dc.subjectTài chính Ngân hàng CLCvi_VN
dc.titleSolutions to improve the quality of individual customer credit at Vietnam Public Joint Stock Commercial Bank - Tay Do Branch - Ly Tu Trong Officevi_VN
Appears in Collections:Trường Kinh tế

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