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Title: Unveiling the potential of Satureja calamintha nepeta: A study on its phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity
Authors: Hayani, Mouhcine
Benabbouha, Tariq
Nachit, Wafaa
Byadi, Said
Chefiras, Khalil
Aboulmouhajir, Aziz
Tounsi, Abdessamad
Zair, Touriya
Keywords: Antibacterial activities
Essential oil
GC-MS analysis
Molecular docking
Satureja calamintha nepeta
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: Vietnam journal of Chemitry;Vol.62, No.06 .- P.772-779
Abstract: Satureja calamintha nepeta is a plant native to northwestern Morocco. The purpose of this investigation is to identify the chemical composition and evaluate the antibacterial of the essential oil extracted from this plant. Firstly, a quality inspection of the plant was carried out to quantify its level of metals, especially the heavier ones, using the ICP technique. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to characterize the chemical composition of essential oil. The chromatogram analysis shows the presence of 27 compounds, that is, 99.2% of the essential oil, with 1,8-cineole (34.34%) and cis-pinocamphone (11.87%) being the most significant. The antibacterial effectiveness of the essential oil was tested using the disc diffusion method against 6 gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. The essential oil shows strong activity against Escherichia coli and Escherichia vekanda strains, with an MIC value of about 2.80 µg/mL. The authors were benefited from the modeling technique to better understand the antibacterial activity.
ISSN: 2525-2321
Appears in Collections:Vietnam Journal of Chemistry

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