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Title: Effect of deposition time on gold nanodendrite porous structure and on signals of Hg(ll) in environment
Authors: Pham, Thi Hai Yen
Vu, Hai Dang
Nguyen, Hoang Anh
Vu, Thi Thu Ha
Keywords: Gold nanodendrite
Deposition time
Surface structure
Electrochemical properties
Issue Date: 2017
Series/Report no.: Vietnam Journal of Chemistry;No 55 .- Page.750-755
Abstract: The intluences of deposition time (t dep) for Au nanodendrite preparation on carbon cloth electrodes on the surface structure, electrochemical behavior and voltammetric signal for Hg(II) detection have been studied. The obtained results showed that from 60 s to 300 s, the longer deposition time, the larger dendrite length as well as the more increased density of dendrite structure became. Calculated from data showed that the electroactive surface area approached to the maximum value of 3.686 cm2 with t dep = 300 s. The typical electrochemical behaviour of the prepared electrodes was mass transfer diffusion to the electrode surface and being considered as planar diffusion. Using DPASV technique, the peak height of Hg(II) could appoach to 52 µA with t dep = 60 s.
ISSN: 2525-2321
Appears in Collections:Vietnam Journal of Chemistry

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