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Title: Dynamic simulation of elastic internal involute gears
Authors: Do, Trong Phu
Keywords: Contact forces
Interned involute gears
Contact simulation
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;Số 5 .- Tr.158-161
Abstract: Gear drives are key components for all kinds of machines as well as of industrial equipment. Therein, internal involute gears are increasingly used in industry, especially in planetary gear systems. Simulation results from a detailed finite element model can be regarded as highly precise, but the numerical effort is usually too demanding, especially when a large system with many contacts and full rotational revolution of gear wheels is investigated. To overcome the large finite element integration times, a fully elastic multibody model using a modal description and an efficient contact algorithm is briefly presented. In this work, the contact forces and contact behavior of interned involute gears have been studied using the efficient elastic multibody system approach.
ISSN: 0866-7056
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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