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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 252
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Pratique de l'écoute du français par l'application DuolingoPratiqueTrần, Văn Lựa; Trần, Ý Thương
2024Étude des manières d'offrir et de recevoir des cadeaux dans la culture française et vietnamienneNguyễn, Thị Kim Lan; Lê, Thị Tú Sương
2024 La prise de parole en public : étude des stratégies pour aider les étudiants FLE à réussir un exposé oralDiệp, Kiến Vũ; Đào, Thị Tuyết Như
2024Étude de la difficulté des étudiants de française en 3e et 4e année dans l’apprentissage de la compréhension orale et l’expression  orale en ligneNguyễn, Lam Vân Anh; Phan, Nhật Lam
2024Étude du degré de satisfaction des touristes francophones vis-à-vis de certains sites écotouristiques à la ville de Can ThoLữ, Quốc Vinh; Chung, Gia Hân
2024Emploi des expressions idiomatiques au cours la pratique de l’oral chez les étudiants de FLE de l’Université de CanthoNguyễn, Thắng Cảnh; Võ, Thị Kiều Vui
2024Influence de la culture française sur la culture vietnamienne dans l'aspect linguistique pendant la période coloniale françaiseTăng, Đinh Ngọc Thảo; Nguyễn, Hoàng Khang
2024Situation d'apprentissage du français des étudiants en troisième année à l'Université de Cantho avec des locuteurs natifs Trần, Văn Lựa; Trần, Trúc Ngân
2024Impacts of learning English as a first foreign language on the acquisition of French as a second foreign language: Vietnamese EFL students' perceptionsNguyễn, Anh Thi; Nguyễn, Thu Trâm
2024An Autoethnography: An English Pre-service Teacher’s Professional Learning Experience through a Pedagogical PracticumNguyễn, Anh Thi; Lữ, Vĩnh Tường
2024Vietnamese EFL Pre-service Teachers' Understanding of the Concept of Instruction-giving and its roles in foreign language classroomsNguyễn, Anh Thi; Trần, Trung Nhân
2024Investigating EFL Students' Attitudes toward English Vocabulary Mastery in Learning SpeakingLý, Thị Bích Phượng; Nguyễn, Hàn Ni
2024Perceptions of tertiary students on factors affecting reading comprehensionNguyễn, Thành Đức; Nguyễn, Duy Minh Phương
2024Perceptions of Sustainable Development Goal Education among English Language Teacher Education juniors at Can Tho UniversityBùi, Minh Châu; Trần, Bích Thảo
2024Pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of ICT in teaching practicumHuỳnh, Thị Anh Thư; Lê, Ngọc Thanh
2024A survey on Vietnamese pre-service EFL teachers’ pre- and post-practicum self-efficacy in PCK and their changesNguyễn, Văn Lợi; Phan, Nhật Quỳnh Anh
2024Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences Among EFL Students: A case study in a highschool in the Mekong DeltaHuỳnh, Thị Anh Thư; Nguyễn, Cao Minh Anh
2024Vietnamese EFL learners' perceptions of factors influencing oral presentation skillsLê, Hữu Lý; Trương, Thị Phương Quyên
2024EFL students' perceptions of using paraphrasing techniques in academic writingPhan, Thị Tuyết Vân; Huỳnh, An Duyên
2024EFL Students’ Perceptions of the roles of culture in English language learningPhan, Thị Tuyết Vân; Vũ, Ngọc Phương Vy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 252