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Title: Trial on nursing striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) from fry to fingerlings in oligohaline water using recirculating aquaculture system
Authors: Pham, Thanh Liem
Truong, Quoc Huy
Keywords: Nuôi Trồng Thủy Sản
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Trường Đại Học Cần Thơ
Abstract: The study aimed to determine the adaptation of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) larvae todifferent salinities and stocking densities. Two experiments were carried out in a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) with 150-L fiberglass rearing tanks.One-day-old larvaewere stocked and fed on rotifer on the first 3 days, followed by Artemia nauplii up to day 7th, then they were weanedto commercial powder diet(40% protein) and commercial pellet (35% protein, diameter of 0.1mm) from day 21st. In the first experiment, larvae were stocked at the density of 5 fish.L-1 in salinities of 0, 3 and 6 ‰. Result after 30 days of rearing revealed that survival rate of striped catfish larvae was not affected since salinities raise up to 6 ‰. Growth rates of larvae reared in 3‰ and 6‰ (SGRs of 18.2±0.45 and 17.9±, respectively) was significantly higher than those of larvae reared in freshwater (SGR of 16.6± increases of striped catfish larvae nursed in 3‰ and 6 ‰ (daily length increase, DLI of1.57±0.08 and 1.52±0.22, respectively) was significantly higher than those of larvae nursed in 0‰ (DLI of 1.26± 1). Water quality: pH was maintained 6.4-8, dissolved oxygen (DO)ranged 5.8-6.4 mg.L-1, and the temperature was kept 28-32oC during culture period. TAN, Nitrites (NO2-), Nitrates (NO3-) and total bacteriain all treatments were in suitable range for the growth of striped catfish larvae. In the second experiment, larvae was reared in water salinity of 6‰, at 3 different stocking densities of 5, 10 and 15 fish.L-1. After 30 days of rearing, result showed that survival rate of striped catfish larvae at stocking density of 5 fish.L-1was better than the other two. Growth rates and length increaese of larvae nursed in different stocking density was not significantly different (p>0.05). Water quality: pH was maintained 6.8- 8.2, DO ranged 6.4-7 mg.L-1, and the temperature was kept 27.6-31.8oC during culture period. TAN,NO2-, NO3- andtotal bacteria in all treatments were in suitable range forthe growth ofstriped catfish larvae.
Description: 14p.
Appears in Collections:Trường Thủy sản

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