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dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Thai Dung-
dc.contributor.authorLuong, Van Toan-
dc.contributor.authorDuong, Hai Son-
dc.description.abstractThe article is focus on making physical and mathematical model which describe vibration of the URAN-E missile launcher based on a naval surface ship. The influence of the oscillation due to ocean waves on the launcher firing stability is taken into consideration. The input data used in the calculation algorithm are given hy the real dimensions and construction parameters of the HQ376 surface ship and the URAN-E missile launcher System. The results from numbericaỉ computaion show that the time for the rocket launcher to return to equilibrium after launching the rocket will take about 2,5 seconds, this is minium ti me Between launchers to ensure stability for the launcher and safe for subsequent launchers. Results caculation can be refered to in designing the missile launcher components or imoroving the firing stability of an existing ship-based launcher System.vi_VN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;Số 03 .- Tr.170-176-
dc.subjectHarmonic wavesvi_VN
dc.subjectNavy shipsvi_VN
dc.subjectLaunch padvi_VN
dc.subjectMissile launchervi_VN
dc.titleThe dynamic model of the missile launchers installed on navy shipsvi_VN
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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