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Title: Experimental research to determine the affect of agent to the quality of syngas o f updraft gasifier model
Authors: Nguyen, Thi Ut Hien
Le, Dinh Nhat Hoai
Keywords: Coal gasification
Gasification agents
Synthesis gas
Updraft gasifier
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;Số 07 .- Tr.84-89
Abstract: The thermal performance of the gasification process depends on many factors, in which gasification agent is one of the major factors affecting the quality and heat value of syngas. This research uses the empirical method to determine the effect of the gasification agent on the quality and heat value of the syngas when changing the composition of oxygen and steam. Experimental model of gasification using coal materials with type of Top Lift UpDraft gasifier (TLUD)...
ISSN: 0866-7056
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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