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Title: Regulation of inflammatory response by A20 through stat-1 signalling in dendritic cells
Authors: Nguyen, Thi Xuan
Nguyen, Thu Thuy
Keywords: Cytokines
Dendritic cell
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Journal of Biotechnology;№ 17(02) .- Page.239-244
Abstract: A20 is negative regulator of NF-KB-mediated activation and inflammation in many cell types including dendritic cells (DCs), key players in the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity. Exposure of DCs to a TLR4 ligand lipopolysaccharide (EPS) induces DC activation and maturation, which is characterised by relcase of inflammatory cytokines, up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules and induction of migration to the nearest lymph node where they prime the activation and proliferation of naive T cells.
ISSN: 1811-4989
Appears in Collections:Công nghệ sinh học

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