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Title: The impact of financial openness on the earnings of self-employed workers - an empirical evidence from a panel dataset
Authors: Le, Thi Thu Huong
Bui, Thi Ly
Nguyen, Huyen Minh
Keywords: Financial openness
Self-employed workers
Labor share of income
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Journal of International economics and Management;Vol. 20 No 02 .- P.34-48
Abstract: This paper contributes to the literature on the effect of financial openness by investigating the factors and determinants which drive the income share to self-employed labor during financial liberalization. The question of the precise impact of liberalization on the share of the self-employed has received less attention in the literature. The authors use a de jure or a rule-based indicator as a measure of capital account openness. The empirical work is applied for a panel dataset of 30 countries during the period of 1970 - 2015. The results from all specifications support the hypothesis that financial integration leads to an increase in the unemployment rate as well as in the income share of self-employed. Nevertheless, the positive relation between financial openness and self-employed income is not evident when we focus solely on developed countries.
ISSN: 2615-9856
Appears in Collections:International economics and Management

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