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dc.contributor.authorVan, Tan Luong-
dc.contributor.authorDang, Ngoc Khoa-
dc.description.abstractIn this research, an enhanced control scheme for the permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) vvind turbincs under grid voltage fault condition is introduced. The machine-side converter (MSC) Controls the DC-link voltage; however, this voltage value can be still increased during the grid fault. Thus, the braking chopper (BC) added to the DC-bus will be activated to dissipate the surplur powcr between the grid and generator powers. Meanwhile, the grid active power is regulated at the grid-side converter (GSC), from which can be exploited to inject reactive current into the grid for assisting the grid voltage recovery. Also, an algorithm of positive-sequence current control in the dq-axis is implemented, based on feedback linearization theory. The validity of this control algorithm has been verified by the simulation of the 2MW-PMSG wind turbine System.vi_VN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Science, Technology and Food;No. 02, Vol. 19 .- P.3-12-
dc.subjectBraking choppervi_VN
dc.subjectPermanent-magnet synchronous generatorvi_VN
dc.subjectUnbalanced voltagevi_VN
dc.subjectWind turbinevi_VN
dc.titleControl of a permanent-magnet synchronous generator wind turbine system during grid faultvi_VN
Appears in Collections:Khoa học Công nghệ và Thực phẩm

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