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Title: Combination of heat treatment, chitosan coating and modified atmosphere packaging to improve post-harvest quality of da bo longan fruit
Authors: Bui, Thi Phuong Dung
Keywords: Coating chitosan
Hot water treatment
Longan fruit
Post-harvest quality
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Journal of Science Technology and Food;Vol. 20 No 01 .- P.26-36
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of the combination of hot water treatment (HWT), chitosan coating, and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality and storage time of Da Bo longan fruits. The results indicated that longan fruits treated by HWT at 52 °C for 30 seconds before the coating of chitosan 0.2% at pH 3.3 for 2 mins and stored in MAP (Lifespan) inhibited post-harvest pathogens, delayed the changes in color, reduced the pericarp browning and extended the shelf life of longan fruits during storage at 5 ± 1 °C. The shelf life of treated longan fruits was up to 35 days when stored at 5 ± 1 °C, relative humidity (RH) of 85-90%.
ISSN: 0866-8132
Appears in Collections:Khoa học Công nghệ và Thực phẩm

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