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Title: Design of microstrip patch antenna for 5g wireless communication applications
Authors: Tran, Thi Bich Ngoc
Keywords: Microstrip planar antenna
5G wireless applications
28 GHz
38 GHz
Reflection coefficient
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Journal of Science Technology and Food;Vol. 20, No. 02 .- P.53-61
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to design and simulate a microstrip planar antenna for the future-fifth generation (5G) wireless applications. The antenna structure is built on a low loss RO3003 substrate of 3.0 relative permittivity and fed by a 50 Ohms microstrip line. The proposed antcnna providcd a high gain of 5.51 dB at 28 GHz (gigahertz) bands, with a minimum reflection coefficient of -24.3 dB, a very wide bandwidth of 2.5 GHz and the radiation pattern was mostly omnidirectional. The thickness of the substrate has been changed, the resonant frequency can be at 20/28 GHz or 20/38 GHz depending on the value of thickness, which both arc the proposed bands for 5G. In this paper, all simulations have been using industry-standard software CST Microwave Studio.
ISSN: 0866-8132
Appears in Collections:Khoa học Công nghệ và Thực phẩm

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