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Title: Determine ground water in central highland in Vietnam
Authors: Trương, Quoc Thanh
Nguyên, Xuân Kha
Nguyên, Thi Nhu Dung
Do, Quang Khanh
Tran, Van Xuan
Keywords: Wenner array
Central highland
Fractured rock
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Xây dựng Việt Nam;Số 607 .- Tr.52-55
Abstract: In the dry season, the demand using water for agriculture in central Highland in Vietnam extremely increases high. To face this problem, the present study aims to investigate the groundwater accumulations present in the Central Highland in Vietnam by geophysical methods. In this case, resistivity method is useful in the exploration for safe, quick and abundant groundwater. Resistivity data interpretation was carried out using the measurement data to determine the depth to the layer contain groundwater. The results of resistivity interpretation indicated that the depth of the groundwater surface is 30 to 50m. Eight imagines electrical of Wenner array were measured with AB ranging from 200 m to 400 m at the study area. The results of the quantitative interpretation of geoelectrical data indicated that the subsurface section consists of six abnormal resistivity zone; and the bedrock below this zone has high resistivity. The groundwater contains in weather rock having high fractured and porosity. The range resistivity of groundwater potential is 20- 100 ohm-m
ISSN: 0866-8762
Appears in Collections:Xây dựng

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