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Title: Effect of groundwater draw down on distribution of land subsidence in homogeneous soil (Ảnh hưởng của việc hạ thấp mực nước dưới đất lên sự phân bố độ lún trong đất đồng nhất)
Authors: Tran, Van Tuan
Huynh, Van Hiep
Truong, Quynh Nhu
Keywords: Homogeneous soil
Land subsidence
Pumping wells
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Xây dựng Việt Nam;No. 21 .- P.159-163
Abstract: Groundwater lowering is cause of land subsidence. The most important mechanism causing land subsidence is excessive pumping of groundwater, which causes draw down of the water table in the aquifer and a decrease in pore water pressure and an increase of effective stress in the ground. This research was based on 1D water flow theory with the accompaniment of Rileys method to calculate the land subsidence in two cases homogeneous soil in the flooded zone and Tan Phu Thanh industrial, Hau Giang Province. The results showed that ground settlement is a function of local position as well as soil properties and this relationship is nonlinear with the curve is different in each soil layer. Settlement of soil near the surface is larger than settlement of soil at larger depth. Finite element method (Plaxis 2D) can be used to simulate the effect of land subsidence due to groundwater pumping.
ISSN: 0866-8762
Appears in Collections:Xây dựng

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