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Title: Identifying hotspots for antibiotic resistance emergence and selection, and elucidating pathways to human exposure: Application of a systems-thinking approach to aquaculture system...
Authors: Brunton, Lucy A.
Desbois, Andrew P.
Garza, Maria
Wieland, Barbara
Mohan, Chadag Vishnumurthy
Häsler, Barbara
Tam, Clarence C.
Le, Phuc Nguyen Thien
Nguyen, Thanh Phuong
Phan, Thi Van
Nguyen, Viet Hung
Eltholth, Mahmoud M.
Pham, Dang Kim
Pham, Duc Phuc
Nguyen, Tuong Linh
Rich, Karl M.
Mateus, Ana L. P.
Hoque, Md. Ahasanul
Ahad, Abdul
Khan, Mohammed Nurul Absar
Adams, Alexandra
Guitian, Javier
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Cá Tra
Mekong Delta
One Health
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
Penaeus vannamei
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Science of theTotal Environment;P.1344-1356
Abstract: Aquaculture systems are highly complex, dynamic and interconnected systems influenced by environmental, bi-ological, cultural, socio-economic and human behavioural factors. Intensification of aquaculture production is likely to drive indiscriminate use ofantibiotics to treator prevent disease andincrease productivity, oftento com-pensate for management and husbandry deficiencies. Surveillance or monitoring of antibiotic usage (ABU) and antibiotic resistance (ABR) is often lacking or absent. Consequently, there are knowledge gaps for the risk of ABR emergence and human exposure to ABR in these systems and the wider environment. The aim of this study was to use a systems-thinking approach to map two aquaculture systems in Vietnam –striped catfish and white-leg shrimp –to identify hotspots for emergence and selection of resistance, and human exposure to antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. System mapping was conducted by stakeholders at aninterdisciplin- ary workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam during January 2018, and the maps generated were refined until consensus. Thereafter, literature was reviewed to complement and cross-reference information and to validate the final maps. The maps and component interactions with the environment revealed the grow-out phase, where juve-niles are cultured to harvest size, to be a key hotspot for emergence of ABR in both systems due to direct and in-direct ABU, exposure to water contaminated with antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and duration of this stage. The pathways for human exposure to antibiotics and ABR were characterised as: occupational (on-farm and at different handling points along the value chain), through consumption (bacterial contamination and residues) and by environmental routes. By using systems thinking and mapping by stakeholders to identify hotspots we demonstrate the applicability of an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to characterising ABU in aquaculture. This work provides a foundation to quantify risks at different points, understand interactions be-tween components, and identify stakeholders who can lead and implement change.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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