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Title: Teacher Beliefs and Practices of Scaffolding Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Questioning At Pre-Reading Stage
Authors: Hong, Diem Thuy
Nguyen, Buu Huan
Keywords: Teacher beliefs
Reading comprehension
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching;Vol. 4, No. 02 .- P.72-91
Abstract: Research into scaffolding has indicated its roles in assisting students in completing their English language learning tasks, including reading. This paper reports a descriptive study that explores teachers’ beliefs and their practices of the questioning strategy to scaffold students’ reading comprehension in lower secondary schools in a Mekong delta region. Data collected in this study include questionnaires, classroom observations, and semi-structured interviews. Participants were sixty-four teachers of English as a foreign language. The findings reported in this paper provide insightful views into how teachers used questions to scaffold student learning of reading comprehension. Pedagogical implications are also presented.
ISSN: 2537-1754
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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