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Title: Value Chain Analysis in Domestic Aquaculture: Case Study of Swamp Eel (Monopterus Albus) Culture in An Giang Province, Vietnam
Authors: Nguyen, Thi Kim Quyen
Huynh, Van Hien
Nguyen, Hoang Huy
Keywords: Added value
Value chain
Swamp eel
An Giang
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications;Vol. 9, No. 01 .- P.638-646
Abstract: Unbalance income distribution among actors of value chain has been concerned in a recent year. This study was carried out to map the distribution channels, and to clarify cost-benefit distribution among nodes of value chain of swamp eel in An Giang province. A total 302 stakeholders who are involved in value chain were interviewed in dominant areas of swamp eel culture in An Giang province. The survey results show that eel products are consumed via 5 marketing channels, of which, the traders distribute 84.4% of eel products but farmers create low profitable margin ratio. Eel farmers purchase products to wholesalers could get the highest price ($6/kg). Channel of export generates the highest net added value at $4.1/kg. The highest profitable margin ratio of farmers is found in the channel of farmer → wholesaler → supermarket/wholesale market (107.7%/cycle). In conclusion, there is requirement in sharing risks and net profits throughout the chain throughout development the linkage model in production chain from input to output to improve efficiency and sustainable production.
ISSN: 2250-3153
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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