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Title: Die design and numerical simulation of warm-forging process the constant-velocity joints in transmission system of automobiles
Authors: Dinh, Van Duy
Le, Trung Kien
Tran, Van Hoi
Do, Hai Dong
Keywords: Bulk-forming warm-forging
Constant-velocity joints
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;No. 06 .- P.235-239
Abstract: Nowadays, the automotive industry takes an important role in our economy. However, the automotive industry still depends on importing components from foreign countries and our supporting industries are still in poor condition. Because the constant-velocity joint is a Principal element in the differential of cars, so as a result, the best method for manufacturing this part is warm forging, which is a branch of the Technology and Tools in the metal forming field.
ISSN: 2615-9910
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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