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Title: Lubrication trend of spindle’s high speed CNC Machine tools
Authors: Nguyen, Vinh Hai
Le, Giang Nam
Nguyen, Chi Cong
Keywords: CNC spindle
CNC lubrication method
CNC machine tools trend
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam;Số 08 .- Tr.156-161
Abstract: Lubrication is an important method for reducing friction between rotating parts relative to one another, thanks to the lubrication that the rotating parts have a longer working time and greater reliability. Lubricating into the drive position on the CNC machine tool is a necessary and continue task to ensure the machiné s longevity and accuracy.
ISSN: 2615-9910
Appears in Collections:Cơ khí Việt Nam

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