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Title: IoT Services for Solving Critical Problems in Vietnam: A Research Landscape and Directions
Authors: Cao, Tiến Dũng
Huỳnh, Xuân Hiệp
Trương, Hồng Lĩnh
Trần, Thế Vũ
Trần, Minh Quang
Phạm, Trần Vũ
Nguyễn, Bình Minh
Hoàng, Hữu Hạnh
Issue Date: 2016
Series/Report no.: IEEE Internet Computing;20 .- p.76-81
Abstract: Critical problems in Vietnam - such as food safety, traffic management, saltwater intrusion, and wastewater management - require novel Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Here, the authors analyze current research and developments and propose specific IoT services as solutions.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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