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Title: Optimal calculation of plate fin heat sinks for rrulte 4g
Authors: Bui, Minh Dinh
Keywords: Remote Radio Unit-RRU
2 Transmitter/2 Receiver-2T2R
Power Amplifier PA 2x40W va 2x60W
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Năng lượng Nhiệt;Số 148 .- Tr.22-26
Abstract: Remote Radio Unit RRU 4G LTE Heatsink systems are using natural convection cooling due tosome outstanding advantages such aslow cost, high reliability, noiseless opemtion and positioning independent from other cooling circuits. The main disadvantage is a relatively low heat transfer so thatan analytic model is required to efficiently design natural convection heat sinks according to the applied design constraints. This paper describes a natural convection heatsink for power amplifer circuits of RRU 2T2R with pov/er 2x40W and 2x60W The RRU natural cooling system is composed of parallel plate heat sinks in order to find an optimum heat sink design based on an analytical calculation of Entropy energy and Heatsink Resistance. The efficiency of RRU 2T2R power amplifiers is nonnally from 30 to 40% and the heat loss is normally from 50% to 60% which cooled by natural convection device The analyticalcalculation was applied to different heat sink profiles and FEM simulations were setup to pe/fomiance thermal management. Temperature measurements were carried outto validate the FEM model Then, the achieved thermal performancewas used to the thermal resistance of different RRU heatsink This paper will show an optimal calculation of RRU heatsinkfin to minimize manufacture and material cost.
ISSN: 0868-3336
Appears in Collections:Năng lượng Nhiệt

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