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Title: Engineering properties and durability of high-strength self-compacting concrete with no-cement SFC binder
Authors: Nguyễn, Hoàng Anh
Shih, Jeng-Ywan
Nguyen, Tien-Dung
Chen, Chun-Tao
Chang, Ta-Peng
Keywords: CFBC fly ash
Fly ash
High-strength self compacting concrete
Issue Date: 2016
Series/Report no.: Construction and Building Materials;106 .- p.670-677
Abstract: This study investigated the engineering properties and durability of the high-strength self-compacting concrete (SCC) manufactured by an innovative no-cement SFC binder, which was purely produced with a ternary mixture of three industrial by-products of ground granulated blast furnace slag, low calcium Class F fly ash and circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) fly ash. A fixed amount of 15 wt.% of combustion fly ash was adopted to trigger the hydration mechanism of various mixtures of no-cement SFC binder. Experimental results showed that the compressive strengths of the resulting SCCs at age of 28 days were in the range of 41.8–65.6 MPa, and an amount of 30 wt.% of Class F fly ash was found to be an optimal value to produce the SCC with excellent flowing and passing capability, preferable durability and mechanical properties.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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