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Title: Evaluation of Facial Paralysis Degrees Using Multi-Resolution Analysis
Authors: Ngô, Trúc Hưng
Seo, Masataka
Matsushiro, Naoki
Chen, Yen Wei
Keywords: Facial paralysis
Multi-resolution analysis
Wavelet decomposition
Issue Date: 2015
Series/Report no.: International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications;Proceedings .- p.648-651
Abstract: Facial paralysis is a common clinical condition occurring in the rate 20 to 25 patients per 100,000 people per year. An objective quantitative tool to support medical diagnostics is necessary. This paper proposes a robust method that decomposes the images into multi frequencies-space domain, and then features are extracted for classification using a support vector machine (SVM). The method analyses the images in frequency-space domain, so it overcomes the problems of other techniques such as the change of illumination, noise and redundant frequencies. Experiments show that our proposed method outperforms other techniques testing on a dynamic facial expression image database.
Appears in Collections:Tạp chí quốc tế

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