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Title: Developing rigid gliadin based biocomposites with high mechanical performance
Authors: Võ, Hồng Nhân
Puttemans, Frederick
Trujillo, Eduardo
Vuure, Aart Willem Van
Goderis, Bart
Verpoest, Ignaas
Jansens, Koen J.A.
Puyvelde, Peter Van
Keywords: A.Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)
B.Mechanical properties
E.Powder processing
Issue Date: 2016
Series/Report no.: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing;85 .- p.76-83
Abstract: We aim to produce unidirectional fiber composites with high mechanical performance based on flax fibers and a rigid gliadin matrix. As a fraction from wheat gluten, gliadin is soluble in alcohol containing media. The fabrication process did not involve any further solvents or plasticizers. Finally, samples were cooled at different rates. Overall, the cooling rate does not strongly affect the mechanical properties although slowly cooled materials contain a higher amount of non-disulfide cross-links, next to disulfide bonds within the gliadin matrix. At 40% fiber volume fraction, flax/gliadin composites with a flexural modulus and strength of respectively 21.5 GPa and 240 MPa were obtained when loaded in the longitudinal direction. These high values demonstrate that in this composite fabrication process, a good impregnation of the polymer matrix in between the fiber bundles has been achieved. However, the fiber–matrix adhesion, as measured by transverse flexural and tensile tests, was still relatively modest.
URI: http://localhost:8080//jspui/handle/123456789/5117
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