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dc.contributor.authorTrần, Hồng Đăng-
dc.contributor.authorVũ, Quý Chiên-
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Văn Thịnh-
dc.contributor.authorLê, Quang Thảo-
dc.contributor.authorDuong, Minh Tân-
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Văn Hùng-
dc.contributor.authorBùi, Quốc Thái-
dc.description.abstractIsolation of giucomannan from the dried Konjac slices (Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch) was investigated to enlarge to an Industrial scale by combination of dry and wet processing techniques. The Konjac slices were crushed and smoothed In grinding mills coupled with an exhausting fan system. The obtained powders of particle size < 0.125 mm was isolated with ethanol 36%. The solvent and dissolved impurities were removed centrifuge. The collected glucomannan was dried by hot-air and vacuum drying instrument in in the combination at 80 -85°C. Ethanol in waste liquids was recycled in ethanol distillation tower and was re-used for the next wet process. Practically, this process enjoyed an Industrial practice at large-scale (1000 kg material per batch) in Truong Tho Pharmaceutical J.S.C. In general, the proposed process proved stable, yielded desirably high quality product (glucomannan content > 90%).vi_VN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTạp chí Dược học;Số 506 .- Tr.62-67-
dc.subjectAmorphophallus konjacvi_VN
dc.titleHoàn thiện quy trình sản xuất glucomannan từ lát nưa khô (Amorphopliallus konjac K. Koch) ở quy mô công nghiệpvi_VN
Appears in Collections:Dược học

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