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Title: Nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình thái, đặc điểm vi học và khảo sát sơ bộ thành phần hóa học loài cách thư tái (Fissistigma pallens(Fin. & Gagnep.) Merr.)
Authors: Ngô, Sỹ Thịnh
Nguyễn, Thị Bích Thu
Nguyễn, Xuân Nhiệm
Nguyễn, Thế Cường
Keywords: Fissistigma pallens (Fin. & Gagnep.) Merr
Microscopy phytochemical compositions
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Dược học;Số 511 .- Tr.82-85
Abstract: Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Fisslstigma pallens (Fin. & Gagnep.) Merr. were investigated and described. The plant was characterized as: Climbers 5-6 m long; leaf glabrous, midvein ribs on the adaxially, secondary veins 15-20 on each side of midvein, abaxial of leaf blue or yellowish brown when dry: inflorescences leaf-opposed or terminal, 1-3-flowered, petals ovoid, puberulent in outside; carpels many, free, villous. Stem powder prismatic-shaped of calcium oxalate. Leaf powder rhombus-shaped of calcium oxalate, sheltered hairs and stomata cells. Leaves of Fissistigma pallens (Fin. & Gagnep.) Merr have phytochemical compositions: flavonoid, saponin, inverted sugar, polysaccarid and acid amin.
ISSN: 0866-7861
Appears in Collections:Dược học

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