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dc.contributor.authorĐỗ, Thị Thanh Toàn-
dc.description.abstractCurrently, long-term predictions of strategies in developing national and local human resources are given at a macro level although the unpredictable nature of the resources. Therefore, higher educational institutions (HEIs) are mandated to actively build up their own developmental strategies basing on their own strengths which meet the demand of socio-economic development of the localities. The paper emphasizes some concepts, content and the role of the prediction of demands of training human resource as well as points out shortcomings in prediction of human resource training demands in our country. Also, the paper proposes some measures to improve quality of prediction of training demands of universities in upcoming time.vi_VN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTạp chí Giáo dục;Số 434 .- Tr.35-39-
dc.subjectLocal universityvi_VN
dc.subjectHuman resourcesvi_VN
dc.subjectHuman resourcesvi_VN
dc.subjectTraining need predictionvi_VN
dc.titleMột số vấn đề về dự báo nhu cầu đào tạo nguồn nhân lực ở các trường đại học địa phươngvi_VN
Appears in Collections:Giáo dục

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