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Title: Dạy học môn sinh học tiếp cận chương trình giáo dục phổ thông mới
Authors: Đinh, Quang Báo
Phan, Thị Thanh Hội
Keywords: Competency
Action verb
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Giáo dục;Số 435 .- Tr.40-43,63
Abstract: The article analyzes the main characteristics of the New General Education Program and thereby identifies some specific teaching methods for Biology. To illustrate the analysis, understanding and concretization of die objectives for the design and implementation of teaching content topics, the article proposes a number of examples. These examples explain the process of activating a curriculum text in a general logic: Analyzing of the general education curriculum → Subject curriculum → Content Topics → Objectives → Teaching methods and techniques. In this logic, illustrative examples transform the verb which expresses the objectives into an operational process which students acquire knowledge and essential skills and competencies. This teaching process develops professional competency that can be generalized by the formula: Competence = Knowledge + Skills + Values + Case study.
ISSN: 2354-0753
Appears in Collections:Giáo dục

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