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Title: Đánh giá hiệu quả vận dụng chương trình vận động Hexathlon- Mizuno (Nhật Bản) Trong thực tiễn giáo dục thể chất cấp tiểu học Việt Nam
Authors: Trần, Đình Thuận
Keywords: Physical education
Active games
Hexathlon program
The New Primary Physical Education Program
Issue Date: 2018
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Giáo dục;Số 435 .- Tr.49-53
Abstract: Hexathlon Mizuno - Teaching program containing activities of learning with active games has been applied widely at primary schools in Japan with aim at developing physical health for primary students and has gained achievements. This article presents the advantages of Hexathlon-Mizuno Program and its initial results when applying this program to physical education lessons in some primary schools in northern - middle - southern areas m Vietnam. Some recommendations are also proposed m this article to apply to the New Primary Physical Education Program of Vietnam.
ISSN: 2354-0753
Appears in Collections:Giáo dục

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