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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 1 tới 20 của 24
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2020Intravaginal administration of progesterone using a new technique for sustained drug release in goatsEndo, Natsumi; Rahayu, Larasati Puji; Yamamura, Takashi; Tanaka, Hitoshi; Tanaka, Tomomi
2020Effects of twin pregnancy prevention strategies such as GnRH dose and drainage of the smaller follicle on ovulation in dairy cows with two follicles of pre-ovulatory size in the same ovaryGarcia-Ispierto, Irina; López-Gatius, Fernando
2020Iron deficiency induces female infertile in order to failure of follicular development in miceTonai, Shingo; Kawabata, Akane; Nakanishi, Tomoya; Lee, Joo Yeon; Okamoto, Asako; Shimada, Masayuki; Yamashita, Yasuhisa
2020Production of genome-edited mice by visualization of nucleases introduced into the embryos using electroporationWake, Yui; Kaneko, Takehito
2020RNA-binding protein Ptbp1 regulates alternative splicing and transcriptome in permatogonia and maintains spermatogenesis in concert with Nanos3Senoo, Manami; Hozoji, Hiroshi; Ishikawa-Yamauchi, Yu; Takijiri, Takashi; Ohta, Sho; Ukai, Tomoyo; Kabata, Mio; Yamamoto, Takuya; Yamada, Yasuhiro; Ikawa, Masahito; Ozawa, Manabu
2020Artificial lactation by exogenous hormone treatment in non-pregnant sowsNoguchi, Michiko; Suzuki, Takehito; Sato, Reiichiro; Sasaki, Yosuke; Kaneko, Kazuyuki
2020Relationship between sire predicted transmitting ability for daughter pregnancy rate and daughter's reproductive performance and milk production in Japanese dairy herdsKoyama, Keisuke; Takahashi, Takayoshi
2020Transcriptional activation of the mouse Scd2 gene by interdependent enhancers and long noncoding RNAs in ovarian granulosa cellsMayama, Shota; Hamazaki, Nobuhiko; Maruyama, Yuki; Bara, Shin Matsu; Kimura, Atsushi P.
2020Improvement of a twice collection method of mouse oocytes by surgical operationInoue, Rei; Harada, Kana; Wakayama, Sayaka; Ooga, Masatoshi; Wakayama, Teruhiko
2020Effect of neurotensin on cultured mouse preimplantation embryosHiradate, Yuki; Hara, Kenshiro; Tanemura, Kentaro
2020H4K20 monomethylation inhibition causes loss of genomic integrity in mouse reimplantation embryosShikata, Daiki; Yamamoto, Takuto; Honda, Shinnosuke; Ikeda, Shuntaro; Minami, Naojiro
2020Expression and possible roles of extracellular signal-related kinases 1-2 (ERK1-2) in mouse primordial germ cell developmentSorrento, Maria; Klinger, Francesca Gioia; Iona, Saveria; Rossi, Valerio; Marcozzi, Serena; Felici, Massimo De
2020Combined refinements to somatic cell nuclear transfer methods improve porcine embryo developmentNguyen, Dang Thanh Quang; Wells, David; Haraguchi, Seiki; Nguyen, Thi Men; Nguyen, Thi Hiep; Noguchi, Junko; Kaneko, Hiroyuki; Kikuchi, Kazuhiro
2020An investigation of the time period within which frozen-thawed semen delivers a high conception rate in lactating dairy cowsSumiyoshi, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Tomomi; Kamomae, Hideo
2020Establishment of long-term chronic recording technique of in vivo ovarian parenchymal temperature in Japanese black cowsMorita, Yasuhiro; Ozaki, Riho; Mukaiyama, Akihisa; Sasaki, Takuya; Tatebayashi, Ryoki; Morishima, Ai; Kitagawa, Yuri; Suzumura, Reika; Abe, Ryoya; Tsukamura, Hiroko; Matsuyama, Shuichi; Ohkura, Satoshi
2020Influence of ipsilateral coexistence of the first wave dominant follicle and corpus luteum on ovarian dynamics and plasma sex steroid hormone concentrations in lactating dairy cows treated with human chorionic gonadotropinMiura, Ryotaro; Matsumo, Nobu; Haneda, Shingo; Matsui, Motozumi
2020Developmental competence of interspecies cloned embryos produced using cells from large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) and oocytes from laboratory mice (Mus musculus domesticus)Azuma, Rika; Hatanaka, Yuki; Shin, Seung-Wook; Murai, Hitoshi; Miyashita, Minoru; Anzai, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Kazuya
2020Gpr120 mRNA expression in gonadotropes in the mouse pituitary gland is regulated by free fatty acidsDeura, Chikaya; Kimura, Yusuke; Nonoyama, Takumi; Moriyama, Ryutaro
2020Palmitic acid activates NLRP3 inflammasome and induces placental inflammation during pregnancy in miceSano, Michiya; Shimazaki, Sayaka; Kaneko, Yasuaki; Karasawa, Tadayoshi; Takahashi, Masafumi; Ohkuchi, Akihide; Takahashi, Hironori; Kurosawa, Akira; Torii, Yasushi; Iwata, Hisataka; Kuwayama, Takehito; Shirasuna, Koumei
2020miR-431 regulates granulosa cell function through the IRS2/PI3K/AKT signaling pathwayYang, Lei; Lv, Qizhuang; Liu, Jianyun; Qi, Shikai; Fu, Denggang
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 1 tới 20 của 24