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Title: Learner – content interaction in an online English language learning course in Vietnam
Authors: Pham, Ngoc Thach
Tran, Minh Thanh
Keywords: Online language learning
Average grade
Test score
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: HNUE Journal of sicence;Vol. 65, Iss.12 .- P.13-28
Abstract: Interaction plays a critical role in both traditional and online learning processes. For online learners of English, interaction with course content is especially vital because it provides them with necessary knowledge in language competence and contributes to success of online learning. This paper presents the findings of a study about learner-content interaction in an online English learning course implemented at a university in Vietnam. The study findings reveal that the learners’ online time-on-task, average grades and test scores decreased as the units went. There was a correlation among these three variables, but the online learning grades and tests did not predict offline study results. The study recommends a stronger integration between online and offline learning (blended) for overall success in language learning.
ISSN: 2354-1075
Appears in Collections:Khoa học Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội

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