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Title: Comparison between two swing-up algorithms: partial feedback linear and energy based method
Authors: Hong, Gia Bao
Le, Thi Thanh Hoang
Nguyen, Minh Tam
Vu, Dinh Dat
Nguyen, Van Dong Hai
Keywords: Pendubot
Partial feedback linear
Balancing control
Under-actuated system
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật;Số 55 .- Tr.01-06
Abstract: Beside the balancing algorithms, swing-up is also an important problem in controlling under-actuated system. Swing-up is necessary to move automatically system to a suitable position for others balancing controls to operate. However, a limited number of researches has been focused on this problem. In this paper, the authors compare two swing-up algorithms from other researches: partial feedback linear and energy-based methods in both simulation and experiment. In previous studies, these methods were presented in only a mathematical description and simulation. Moreover, no comparison was concerned between these methods. Thence, experimental results from this paper implement more descriptions in a real-time system. Our both simulation and experiment results prove that recent energy-based method gives better controlling response than classical partial feedback linear method under external force. In this research, pendubot, a popular model in control engineering, is an under-actuated object.
ISSN: 1859-1272
Appears in Collections:Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật

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