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Nhan đề: A unified third-order shear deformation theory for static analysis of laminated composite beams
Tác giả: Bui, Xuan Bach
Ngo, Phi Hai
Nguyen, Trung Kien
Từ khoá: Beam theory
Composite materials
Ritz method
Static analysis
Trigonometric functions
Năm xuất bản: 2019
Tùng thư/Số báo cáo: Tạp chí Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật;Số 55 .- Tr.87-93
Tóm tắt: A unified higher-order shear deformation theory for static analysis of laminated composite beams is proposed in this paper. The theory is based on a higher-order shear deformation beam theory in which a general shear function is proposed. The characteristic equations are derived from Lagrange’s equations and then Ritz method is used to determine the stiffness matrix. As for static analysis, the potential kinetic energy in the Lagrange's equation is ignored. The shape functions for Ritz method approximation of displacement variables are selected to satisfy the boundaiy conditions. Numerical results are compared to those from previous works and are used to investigate the effects of fiber orientation, span-to-thickness ratio and boundary conditions on deflection and stresses of laminated composite beams.
Định danh:
ISSN: 1859-1272
Bộ sưu tập: Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật

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