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Title: Developmental competence of interspecies cloned embryos produced using cells from large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) and oocytes from laboratory mice (Mus musculus domesticus)
Authors: Azuma, Rika
Hatanaka, Yuki
Shin, Seung-Wook
Murai, Hitoshi
Miyashita, Minoru
Anzai, Masayuki
Matsumoto, Kazuya
Keywords: Epigenetics
Genetic resource
Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer
Large Japanese field mouse
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Journal of reproduction and development;Vol. 66, No. 03 .- P.255-263
Abstract: The large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus) is endemic to Japan and may be used as an animal model for studies related to environmental pollution, medical science, and basic biology. However, the large Japanese field mouse has low reproductive ability due to the small number of oocytes ovulated per female. To produce experimental models, we investigated the in vitro developmental potential of interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) embryos produced by fusing tail tip cells from the large Japanese field mouse with enucleated oocytes from laboratory mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Only a small number of iSCNT embryos developed to the 4-cell (0-4%) and blastocysts (0-1%) stages under sequential treatment using trichostatin A (TSA) and vitamin C (VC) supplemented with deionized bovine serum albumin (d-BSA).
ISSN: 0916-8818
Appears in Collections:The journal of reproduction and development

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