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Title: Production of genome-edited mice by visualization of nucleases introduced into the embryos using electroporation
Authors: Wake, Yui
Kaneko, Takehito
Keywords: CRISPR/Cas
Genome editing
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Journal of reproduction and development;Vol. 66, No. 05 .- P.469-473
Abstract: Genome editing technology contributes to the quick and highly efficient production of genetically engineered animals. These animals are helpful in clarifying the mechanism of human disease. Recently, a new electroporation technique (TAKE: Technique for animal knockout system by electroporation) was developed to produce genome-edited animals by- introducing nucleases into intact embryos using electroporation instead of the microinjection method. The aim of this study was to increase the efficiency of production of genome-edited animals using the TAKE method. In the conventional protocol, it was difficult to confirm the introduction of nucleases into embryos and energization during operation. Using only embryos that introduced nucleases for embryo transfer, it will lead to increased efficiency in the production of genome-edited animals.
ISSN: 0916-8818
Appears in Collections:The journal of reproduction and development

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