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Title: Dwelling at the heart of holiness: Locating the buddha-land and the place of God
Authors: Cloete, Stephanie
Keywords: Sacred space
Spiritual practice
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Buddhist – Christian Studies;Vol. 40 .- P.201-216
Abstract: The relationship between vision and holy place is explored in this paper with particular reference to the development of human potential through spiritual practice. Some of the obstacles that impede such development are considered, and a comparison between a Buddhist and a Christian approach is here presented. It draws on material found in the early Buddhist work by upatissa thera, the Vimuttimagga as it is frequently titled, and the writings of the Christian evagrius of pontus, one of the desert fathers. In both an analysis is to be found of certain characteristics, passions, or emotions, which condition human behavior, resulting in patterns of interfacing with the world that may not be conducive to receptivity to spiritual “sight.” These having been “diagnosed,” remedies are suggested.
ISSN: 0882-0945
Appears in Collections:Buddhist Christian studies

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