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Title: Pain, Resilience, and the Agency Memoir
Authors: Tembo, Nick Mdika
Keywords: Agency Memoir
South Africa
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Biography;Vol. 43, No. 01 .- P.152-157
Abstract: A notable trend in the life narratives in South Africa this year is the individual authors’ determination to create a new normal when their will to live seems to be shattered. The three texts of witness -Vanessa Govender's Beaten but not broken, Helena Kriel’s The Year of Facing Fire, and liana Gerschlowitz’s Saving My Sons - exemplify a range of “survival tools” on how to survive the harsh realities that life sometimes throws on our path. The texts inscribe pain, anxiety, loneliness, coping with illness, and near-death experiences. More crucially, they are testimonies of survival and resilience, of images and scattered memories, and of things that become normalized in our societies when they shouldn’t be.
ISSN: 0162-4962
Appears in Collections:Biography

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