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Title: “We were being who we are, and that was the story”
Authors: Kuwada, Bryan Kamaoli
Revilla, No‘u
Keywords: Story
Kehaunani Abad
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Biography;Vol. 43, No. 03 .- P.673-681
Abstract: Kehaunani Abad is a long-time activist, scholar, and community leader. As the head of Kealaiwikuamo'o, a division within the Kamehameha Schools, Kehau oversaw and helped to shepherd the formation of Kanaeokana, a network of schools and organizations dedicated to aloha 'aina. Mahalo nui loa ia ‘oe e Kehau for sharing with us all of the tears and inspiration.
ISSN: 0162-4962
Appears in Collections:Biography

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