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Title: Challenges for department heads in a private university
Authors: Pham, Quynh Trang
Keywords: Changes
Head of department
Higher education
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Phát triển & Hội nhập;Số 52 .- Tr.141-144
Abstract: Heads of Department (HOD) play important role in university management. A number drivers of changes in society and technology have made higher universities undergo great shift that adds more tasks to HODs’ job description. As a result, HODs face more and more challenges while doing their deanships in universities especially in private ones in the context of fierce competition. This study presents some challenges faced by HOD within a private university called Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HUTECH). The paper just focuses on some difficulties that University of Technology (HUTECH). The paper just focuses on some difficulties that Heads of training department have when they manage academic program and manage their students.
ISSN: 1859-428X
Appears in Collections:Phát triển & hội nhập

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