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Title: Comparison on the growth characteristics between calves of two different Japanese beef breeds suckled by Japanese shorthorn dams
Authors: Yamaguchi, Manabu
Watanabe, Akira
Takenouchu, Naoki
Suzuki, Hirovuki
Matsuzaki, Masatoshi
Keywords: Cow-calf grazing
Japanese Black cattle
Weight gain
Issue Date: 2020
Series/Report no.: JARQ;Vol. 54, No. 01 .- P.93-100
Abstract: The growth characteristics of five male Japanese black calves that were produced by embryo transfer to, born from, and nursed by Japanese Shorthorn surrogate dams (BS-group) were compared with those of five male Japanese Shorthorn calves that were delivered from dams of the same breed after natural mating (SS-group). The birth weights of the BS-group calves were lower (P < 0.01) than those of the SS-group calves. During the first two months, the daily weight gain of the SS-group calves was greater (P < 0.05) than that of the BS-group calves. However, between the third and fourth months, the daily weight gain of the BS-group calves was greater (P > 0.05). During the first two months, the chest girth was smaller (P< 0.05) in the BS-group calves than in the SS-group calves, but was similar in both groups by the age of four months.
ISSN: 0021-3551
Appears in Collections:Japan Agricultural research quarterly

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