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Title: A static and dynamic performance of RC beams strengthened with FRP bar
Authors: Tran, Le Hoang Trung
Masuya, Hiroshi
Kurihashi, Yusuke
Yokoyama, Hiroshi
Keywords: RC beams
FRP bar
Numerical simulation
Issue Date: 2021
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Xây dựng Việt Nam;Số 641 .- Tr.297-301
Abstract: To develop sustainably the construction industry under climate change in the Mekong Delta, the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bar strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) structures by Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) method plays a key role because this method leads to positive effects on external strengthening and reinforcing of the structures. Static and dynamic tests for RC beams strengthened by FRP bar was carried out to identify their actual behaviors. In all experimental cases, using externally bonded FRP bar to the tensile region of RC beams has improved significantly the flexural strength of RC beams. Additionally, the numerical simulation had been done to reproduce the static and dynamic behaviors of RC beams with and without the strengthening of FRP bar. The reliable constitutive models and contact conditions were adopted adequately in LS Dyna software. As expected, the results in numerical simulation compared well to that in experiment.
ISSN: 2734-9888
Appears in Collections:Xây dựng

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