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Title: The factors affecting the brand equity of Dong Thap University - Research based on students
Authors: Nguyen, Giac Tri
Tran, Ngoc My
Dang, Quang Vang
Keywords: Association
Brand equity
Perceived quality
Student - based brand equity
University branding
Issue Date: 2021
Series/Report no.: Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đồng Tháp;Tập 10, Số 06 .- Tr.29-39
Abstract: The research investigates the factors affecting Dong Thap University brand equity based on students' view through four factors, namely Brand awareness, Brand association, Perceived quality and Brand loyalty. The study uses primary data by surveying students studying at Dong Thap University and 300 responses collected by using questionnaire through convenience sampling (non-probability sampling). Data were analyzed to obtain descriptive statistics, cronbach alpha, and other analyses (i.e. exploratory Factor Analysis, estimation and regression testing). Result shows that the four factors in consideration affected the brand equity of Dong Thap University, followed by other factors. Thus, this brand equity is not only affected by student perceptions, but also by training services. Accordingly, the research highlights practical implications and suggestive direction for administrative staffs to build the brand equity of Dong Thap University.
ISSN: 0866-7675
Appears in Collections:Khoa học ĐH Đồng Tháp

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